biostream® ZERO for disinfection of drinking water hoses according to KTW W270.
Combating biofilms and germs in drinking water hoses
Safely disinfect drinking water hoses according to DVGW W270:
Drinking water is now no longer exclusively water used for drinking, but also water for any human use, as well as water for use in food operations.
Thus, all hoses used, for example, at public events such as trade fairs and markets, as well as mobile installations, must meet the requirements according to KTW and DVGW W 270, as they have been made mandatory for drinking water by the health authorities according to the current Drinking Water Regulations since 1.1.2007.
An example: If you want to set up your stall at the Dresden Christmas market, the city of Dresden’s regulatory office requires that you present a „hygiene certificate“ guaranteeing that your stall has been disinfected. Over the last few years, the permit has been successfully obtained through the professional use of biostream® ZERO.
The transport of drinking water or water that comes into contact with food or containers and equipment used to produce it is also subject to the strict regulations of the health authorities.
To ensure perfect hygiene when transporting drinking water, only hoses and pipes that have a KTW and a W270 approval are permitted. This must be verified by a test certificate.
You can find our video on the topic of „Disinfection of drinking water hoses“ here:
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Infoblatt zum Produkt biostream® ZERO
Erfahren Sie in diesem Infoblatt, wie Sie Trinkwasser-Schläuche effektiv mit dem biostream® ZERO – Konzentrat desinfizieren und wie Sie die korrekte Konzentration einstellen können, um Biofilme und Bakterien zu entfernen.
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Grundlagenwissen Trinkwasser
Wir erklären Ihnen auf nur 5 Seiten, welche Produkte zur Desinfektion von Trinkwasser zugelassen sind und warum silberhaltige Produkte in den USA mittlerweile als Pestizid gekennzeichnet werden müssen.

Advantages of KTW drinking water hose disinfection with biostream® ZERO:
- Time and cost savings due to rapid efficacy and elimination of lengthy rinsing out
- no residual removal of the disinfectant required
- already grown biofilms are effectively destabilized
- fission compounds are also effectively disinfected
- can be used without hesitation for the disinfection of KTW drinking water hoses according to the dosage table
Insert the biostream® ZERO solution into the drinking water hose:
If you do not have a dosing pump in use, which can automatically dose e.g. the normally required dosage of 10ml/liter biostream® ZERO into the hose, please proceed as follows:
- Use the dosing table (page 3 in the info sheet) to determine the amount of water required to disinfect the hose. Then fill half of the required amount of water into a storage container (e.g. canister or other container with lid or cap), which offers a suitable outlet in the hose diameter you require.
- Now add the required amount of biostream® ZERO concentrate to the container and then fill it with the remaining half of the required amount of water. After that, the container should be closed so that the active ingredient (gas) cannot escape.
- Place this container above the hose, and then flood the hose with the disinfecting solution. When this solution has reached the end of the hose, close the hose and allow the solution to act for approx. 1 hour.In the case of hoses which have not previously been disinfected with biostream® ZERO or which have been stored for a longer period of time, the hose should definitely be treated a second time with the biostream® ZERO solution!
- Then rinse the hose once with the amount of drinking water already determined above. Done!
Any product residues still present in the hose may remain in the hose according to the drinking water ordinance.
A study commissioned by biostream® GmbH and conducted by the Institute of Food Science and Ecotrophology at Leibniz University in Hanover under the leadership of Dr. rer. nat. H.-D. Werlein confirms in 1,620 individual tests that the product biostream® ZERO is 99.9% effective against germs occurring in drinking water with exposure times of only 5 minutes.
The biostream® products have been used successfully since 2001 for disinfection in rail vehicles and on ships, in numerous hospitals and clinics, and by well-known beverage manufacturers in practice. Tests at the Institute of Food Science and Ecotrophology at Leibniz University in Hanover under the leadership of Dr. rer. nat. H.-D. Werlein again confirmed the excellent efficacy. Dr. rer. nat. Hans-Dieter Werlein is responsible for the area of food hygiene and microbiology.
Legionella (e.g. Legionella pneumophila) are a water hygiene problem that is often underestimated. They are also the cause of legionnaires' disease (legionellosis).
Legionella settle in the so-called biofilms, which can only be combated poorly or not at all by e.g. disinfectants containing hydrogen peroxide. Chlorine also has less disinfecting power than the active ingredient chlorine dioxide present in our products.
According to the current Drinking Water Ordinance, biostream® products are approved as disinfectants for drinking water. In addition, our products comply with the current requirements of the Biocide Directive.
Your advantages:
- ready for use within only 3 hours
- effective over the entire drinking water pH range
- suitable for aluminum tanks
- suitable for disinfection of drinking water in times of crisis, for emergency preparedness in case of blackout, power failure and other disaster situations
- 25 times stronger than hydrogen peroxide (according to DVGW worksheet W291)
- highly effective against:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonads, Pseudomonas)
Escherichia coli (E.coli) and coliform bacteria
Legionella / Legionella pneumophila - without heavy metals (silver, copper)
- no germ resistance formation known
Our approvals:
- Euro standard DIN EN12671 "Chlorine dioxide"
- EU drinking water regulation
- compliant with Article 95 (2) (EU) No. 528/2012 / Biocide Directive
- DVGW worksheet W291 and is thus approved for disinfection of water distribution systems
- Guideline No. 5 of the AK of the coastal countries for ship hygiene
- DVGW worksheet W224 "Dosing of a chlorine dioxide solution prepared on site"
- DIN 2001-2 / DIN 2001-2:2009-04 "Drinking water supply from small systems and non-potable systems - Part 2: Non-potable systems - Guidelines for requirements for drinking water, planning, construction, operation and maintenance of systems; Technical rule of the DVGW"
- Active ingredient approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for disinfection of drinking water
- The active ingredient has been used to disinfect drinking water in waterworks since the mid-1950s
biostream® GmbH
Rohrbeckweg 6
D-31319 Sehnde
phone: +49-5138-7087838
fax: +49-5138-7087836
Legal notices:
Impressum | Datenschutz | Verhaltenscodex/Code of Conduct | AGB
Use biocidal products with care. Always read label and product information before use.
All statements on effectiveness refer to the many years of experience of biostream® GmbH, to information from technical literature, laws, regulations and to positive customer references.
Gender language: As already communicated 04/2019: On our websites we use the word "employee/customer/user" for simpler wording. However, we define "employee/customer/user" not only in the masculine form but also in the currently used definition (m/f/d).